
Far too often, we suffer from limiting beliefs imposed from either our parents, teachers, peers, society, or culture. One of the remarkable benefits of counseling is the opportunity to conquer disempowering beliefs. Yes, you can change the negative self-talk that’s holding you back. I can help you look at the cracks in the current foundation of your beliefs and build a strong foundation that supports the life you want.

One focus of my practice is to help the feminine find its lost identity. Women are looking for new ways to voice their thoughts and feelings in their familial, business, intimate, and friendship circles. Together, we’ll find effective and meaningful ways for you to express yourself, so that you can feel empowered in your life, build stronger connections, and healthy, loving relationships.

Women in their 20s and 30 are feeling more empowered their lives. I provide the compassion, support and insight to help you release unresolved feelings of inadequacy, resentment, and other psychological blocks and integrate your wisest self into your life. 

Deep inner work is the gateway to greater creativity, inspiration, purpose, and self-love.

Contact me for a complimentary 20-min consultation